WEB DESIGN 2 ASSIGNMENTS (subject to change)
Apr 15
Complete the following
- https://wordpress.com/learn/courses/getting-started/start-here/
- https://wordpress.com/learn/courses/create-your-site/
- https://www.siteground.com/tutorials/wordpress/create-website/
- Click Up next → on the bottom right of each page when you are done.
- Your Site
- Home page layout
- Look at https://hilite.org/
- Header
- Nav
- Content area
- sidebar
- footer
- 10 pages
- 10 posts or articles
- A modified menu with personalized links
- 4 plugins (three can be social media)
- Modified them including layout of the templates
- Home page layout
Old Word Press (not functioning?)
WordPress Tutorials: https://wordpress.com/learn/
- Go through each of the 14 steps on the left.
- 1-Get the Most from WordPress.com
- Just read, no need to click on anything here.
- 2-Get Going Fast: A Checklist
- Make sure you complete the 5 steps under "Get started: register, fill in your profile, and name your new creation".
- Send me the URL you selected via email. Mine is ronespinola.wordpress.com DUE:
- Obviousy we are doing the Free site.
- Make sure you add a Gravatar, you can prove this by sending a screen shot. DUE:
- Read through all of this so you are familiar with it, most of the customization will be done later. You do need to pick a new theme.
- 3-Get Your Site Going: The Movie
- Please, please watch the movies.
- 4-Small Business Webinar: How to Optimize Your Site
- Yes, the video is long. There is a lot of terminology and things we really don't cover but are great concepts for website design. Probably things that are on the end of sequence assessment.
- Please watch it. Remember you can speed it up.
- There are also slides that cover the material but they don't make a lot of sense without the commentary.
- To verify you watched it send me two paragraphs via email with the subject "Small Business Webinar" summarizing two important concepts you learned. DUE:
- 5-Get Started Register and configure basic settings
- If you did not do any of this in the earlier step make sure it is done now.
- 6-Get Comfy Learn your way around WordPress.com
- We are focusing on the website aspect more than the blog part of Wordpress. However, add my Wordpress site to follow as well as those of the rest of the class.
- Student URLs are at http://www.respinola.com/students/index.htm, assuming they have sent them to me.
- 7-Get Personality Pick a theme
- Send me an email telling me to look at your new theme. Include the name of your theme in the email. DUE:
- 8-Get Configured Customize your site
- Create/install a custom header. This may not work properly. Therefore is optional.
- Create/install a custom logo. There is a link to a logo creator that you can try. You need to show me this. Send me an email telling me you are done so I can look at your site. DUE:
- Also create/install a custom site icon...favicon. This is inside the Site Identity area ins the Customize Tab. You need to show me this. Send me an email telling me you are done so I can look at your site. DUE:
- Since we are using the free version, we cannot customize fonts or CSS.
- 9-Get Published Create posts, pages, and menus
- Make sure you go to the link in the reading, https://wordpress.com/support/pages/. We are more concerned about pages than posts. You are not making a blog. However, follow the directions and create a blog post. Show me for credit. DUE:
- In the Creating Pages section you are going to create one new page. Currently, the post you just created should be on the bottom of your homepage. You're going to create a page to contain your blog posts. https://wordpress.com/support/pages/#creating-a-blog-page
- Send me the link to your new page for credit. DUE:
- Remove the post from your homepage.
- To accomplish this, in the My Site area click on Customize and then Widgets.
- From here remove all of the widgets associated with the blog post.
- Send a link to your home page via email to show that the blog post has been removed from your homepage. Subject should be blog removed. DUE:
- Create a Menu
- From this point, follow the onscreen directions and look at the preview of the menu. Send a link to your home page via email to. The subject should be menu. DUE:
- 10-Get Flashy Enhance your site with widgets
- Create a new page that contains three widgets.
- Use at least one social media widget. It does not have to be to your account.
- I also used options in the Embed tools
- My example...https://ronespinola.wordpress.com/calendar/
- You can also insert the widgets in the widget area of your site as the directions cover. For example the wdiget are for my site is oin the footer but they do not display well there. DUE:
- Create a new page that contains three widgets.
- 11-Get Connected Explore the community and get noticed
- 12-Get Mobile Blog on the Go
- 13-Get Lingo
- Take the quiz in Google Classroom DUE:
- 14-Get a Homepage
- 1-Get the Most from WordPress.com
Jan 18
Final: Build a Business Website Tutorial
Recreate a site using WordPress
- Objective: Build a responsive website using Wordpress, a Content Management System (CMS)
- lowryhighschool.com or https://www.hcsdnv.com/o/lhs
- Take content from either site to create your pages.
- The site must be completely functional.
- You must make the home page as well as individual pages to demonstrate the appearance as well as the function of subpages and different content areas of the site.
WordPress using GoDaddy
- Objective: Build a responsive website using Wordpress, a Content Management System (CMS)
- Install Wordpress app on Go Daddy-Espy
- Log into the admin area from the email you received.
- For example: http://respinola.com/ruiza/wp/wp-admin/
- Example WordPress sites
- Choose one of the sites at https://wordpress.org/showcase/ to replicate.
- Show me the site you are using.
- Recreate the layout of the site, not the content.
- You must have a minimum of 10 pages.
- The site is for a local governmental agency or a nonprofit.
- Use at least five plugins of your choice. One can be a backend utility such as a page editor.
- You must edit the CSS. Create notes as proof of the edits.
- The content (including images) cannot be placeholder or filler.
Other WordPress Tutorials/Support (not required)
- https://www.wpbeginner.com
- How to Create a Website with WordPress (step by step): https://www.wpbeginner.com/guides/
- WordPress from OS Training
- Using WordPress.com to Create a Website
- Tutorials
Other tutorials (not required)
- How to Create a Website: An easy, step-by-step guide from a web developer
- Wedding Film School (YouTube channel)
- How to Install a Premium Wordpress Theme with GoDaddy
- How to Build and Design a Wordpress Website with GoDaddy
- WP Smackdown (YouTube channel)
- Greg Narayan (YouTube channel)
Jan 17
Prep for CTE test
- Take all CSS and HTML tests in Google Classroom
- In Quizlet, Complete The learn section for each of the following. Take a 20-question test for each.
- Workplace Readiness CTE Test Prep
- Web Design CTE Test Prep 1
- Web Design CTE Test Prep 2
- Web Design CTE Test Prep 3
- Web Design CTE Test Prep 4
- Take W3Schools CSS Test, Show me the score
- Take W3Schools HTML Test, Show me the score
- Take Employability Practice Tests
- https://cte-escr.org/ Click on WRS Sample Test
- Go to https://wrs.ctecs.org/practice/ and take the 5 quizzes for WRS (Idaho, Maine, Nevada)
- Show me your results for credit
Jan 16
Complete final in Google Classroom
Dec 18
Copy the folder Responsive Web Design Student Data Files from your student_files folder to your network folder. Book
Responsive Web Design Chapter 8
- Apply Your Knowledge:
- Extend Your Knowledge:
- Analyze, Correct, Improve:
- Lab 2: Wildlife Rescue Organization
- index
- about
- contact
- gallery
- partnership
- Your Turn: Personal Portfolio Website
- index
- about
- contact
- career
- work
Oct 29
Copy the folder Responsive Web Design Student Data Files from your student_files folder to your network folder. Book
Responsive Web Design Chapter 7
- Apply Your Knowledge:
- Extend Your Knowledge:
- Analyze, Correct, Improve:
- Lab 2: Wildlife Rescue Organization
- Your Turn: Personal Portfolio Website
Oct 28
Quarter 1 Posttest
- Take the postest in Google Classroom.
- Must be done at school.
- Do not look up answers.
- This will also count as your Quarter 2 Pretest.
Copy the complete Chapter 5 files so you have the correct code to begin chapter 6
Oct 23
Copy the folder Responsive Web Design Student Data Files from your student_files folder to your network folder. Book
Responsive Web Design Chapter 6
- Apply Your Knowledge:
- Extend Your Knowledge:
- Analyze, Correct, Improve:
- Lab 2: Wildlife Rescue Organization
- Your Turn: Personal Portfolio Website
Sep 18
Copy the folder Responsive Web Design Student Data Files from your student_files folder to your network folder. Book
Responsive Web Design Chapter 5
- Apply Your Knowledge:
- Extend Your Knowledge:
- Analyze, Correct, Improve:
- Lab 1: Strike a Chord:
- Lab 2: Wildlife Rescue Organization
- Lab 3: Student Clubs and Events
- Saved in the student folder inside the lab2 folder. The index page is required. The books says you can add whatever pages you want. However, use the examples below.
- index
- clubs
- programming
- Your Turn: Personal Portfolio Website
Aug 20
Copy the folder Responsive Web Design Student Data Files from your student_files folder to your network folder. Book
Responsive Web Design Chapter 4
- Extend Your Knowledge:
- Analyze, Correct, Improve:
- Lab 1: Strike a Chord:
- Lab 2: Wildlife Rescue Organization
- Lab 3: Student Clubs and Events
- Saved in the student folder inside the lab2 folder. The index page is required. The books says you can add whatever pages you want. However, use the two examples below.
- index
- clubs
- programming
- Your Turn: Personal Portfolio Website
Aug 19
Course requirements/expectations
- Syllabus: parents can sign ther verfication or email me at respinola@hcsdnv.com.
- Complete registration for websites below.
- Student Syllabus Verification
- Complete in Google Classroom
Join Quizlet
- This will be used later for Digital Learning.
- https://quizlet.com/join/qgFDQgwgN?i=1ucocb&x=1rqt
- Use your real name for your Quizlet account so you can receive credit.