Consumer Finance Assignments (subject to change)

Dec 6


  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Read: 6 key ways the Federal Reserve impacts your money
    • We will go over the article together, briefly.
    • Video Explanation: different article but cncepts are the same.
  • Copy and paste the questions/statements below into an email. Answer each question following the question, not below it.
    1. What is the Federal Reserve Bank?
    2. Name one thing the Federal Reserve does.
    3. Who is the chairperson?
    4. What the Fed does matters because...
  • Spelling and grammar check. State in your words. Do this by paraphrasing. Do not copy and paste. Do not quote directly. But you must still attribute.
  • Send me an email to answering the above.
  • Use the subject, Federal Reserve.
  • Other info

Dec 4-5

Complete Page 169

Calculating Stock Return Worksheet

  • Objective: Calculate return on different types of stock investments
  • Follow the directions.
  • Use pages 167-168 to complete.

Chapter 16: Investing for the Future Workbook Page 159

  • Objective: Distinguish investment and savings options
  • Investment Risk Tolerance Assessment in Google Classroom.
  • Click the link in the form to complete the assessment.
  • Don't close the screen at the end as you need to upload a screenshot of it.

Dec 3

Chapter 17 Workbook: Investing in Stocks (review of investing options from Unit 3)

Dec 2

Chapter 17 Workbook: Investing in Stocks (review of investing options from Unit 3)

  • Objective: Calculate return on different types of stock investments
  • Page 167-168 Calculating return on stock investments

Nov 22

Xmas Word Search

  • Must be in class

Nov 21

Compound Interest using Google Sheets

  • Objective: Calculate return on savings accounts and calculate compound interest using a worksheet and functions.
  • Open "Calculate Compound Interest with Sheets" and complete in Google classroom
  • To turn on captioning. In Chrome click the 3 dots in the upper right, click settings, click Advanced on the left, click Accessibility, turn on Live Captioning.

Nov 20

Compound Interest quiz 1

  • Objective: Calculate return on savings accounts and calculate compound interest.

Nov 19

Missing assignment reports

Unit 3 Test: True-False Section

Unit 3 Test: Multiple Choice Section

Nov 18

Unit 3 Test: True-False Section

  • Use Google Classroom
  • Use your notes.
  • You must receive at least a 70%.
  • Take your time!!

Unit 3 Test: Multiple Choice Section

  • This will not post until half way through class
  • Use Google Classroom
  • Use your notes.
  • You must receive at least a 70%.
  • Take your time!!

Nov 14-15

Chapter 6 Workbook: Saving for the Future

  • Objective: Calculate return on savings accounts and calculate compound interest.
  • Explanation video
  • Page 57 will be checked for completeness.
  • Page 58 will be graded.

Nov 13

Grade Unit 3 Review on Paper

Nov 12

Complete and Submit Unit 3 Review

Unit 3: Lesson 2: Worksheet 1: Comparing Savings Places

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Where to find information.
  • Find the information from three different financial institutions. One must be a credit union.
  • Explanatory video is embedded in the assignment.
  • Complete in Google Classroom

Nov 8

Unit 3 Review on Paper

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of the economy, banking, investments, and financial markets
  • Use your notes

Nov 7

IN CLASS: Notes Unit 3 Savings and Investment Choices

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Savings options
  • Finish Pyramid


Nov 5-7

IN CLASS: Notes Unit 3 Savings and Investment Choices

Nov 4

Chapter 19 Workbook Pages 189-190

  • Objective: Distinguish investment options
  • Use ONLY the Chapter 19 notes in Google Classroom

Nov 1

Chapter 6 Workbook: Saving for the Future, Pages 53-54

  • Objective: Calculate return on savings accounts and calculate compound interest.
  • Use notes in Google Classroom

Oct 31

Quiz: Chapters 6 and 16 Terms

IN CLASS: Notes Unit 3 Savings and Investment Choices

Oct 30

Finish Quizlet Chapter 6: Saving for the Future


  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Find a recent article about a business, industry, the stock market or the economy.
  • Submit the following via email.
    1. Copy and paste the headline
    2. Copy and paste the url
    3. Maximum two sentence summary of the article in YOUR words.
    4. Two sentence response stating how the news will affect the stock price or the economy in general.
  • Apparently it needs to be said...DO NOT PLAGIARIZE
  • Use the subject, "news".
  • Make sure Grammarly is turned on.
  • Copy and paste following into your email. Yes, I want them numbered. Provide your answer following : not on the line below it. All formatting should be the same.
    1. HEADLINE:
    3. SUMMARY:
    4. OPINION:
  • Example article (don't use it):

    Why Lexicon Pharma Is Soaring By Chris Lange

    September 9, 9:45 am EDT

    Shares of Lexicon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NASDAQ: LXRX) saw a handy gain on Friday after late-stage results came out. The company announced that its pivotal inTandem1 Phase 3 clinical trial of sotagliflozin met its primary endpoint showing a statistically significant reduction in A1C at 24 weeks in patients with type 1 diabetes on a background of optimized insulin.

    Two primary safety concerns for patients with type 1 diabetes are severe hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).

    In the trial, the statistically significant and clinically meaningful improvement in A1C for both doses of sotagliflozin was achieved without an increase in severe hypoglycemia, one of the most prevalent serious health challenges in type 1 diabetes, which was seen less frequently in both treatment arms than placebo.

Oct 29

Quizlet Chapter 6: Saving for the Future

  • Objective: List and define savings options
  • DO NOT send a request to join the class.
  • Join Quizlet class
  • If you finish in less than 30 minutes you're settings are not correct and you will have to redo the learn.
  • You must complete the Learn, the Flashcards and Matching sections before taking the test. All terms must be mastered.
  • Make sure Track Progress is selected
  • You must complete the Learn, the Flashcards, the Matching and the Test. If you do not complete all sections then the test score will not count.
  • In the Learn area, click Options on the top right. Your options must be set this way for your score to count. Answer with term only.
  • Take the test without other tabs or answers open.
  • Your test settings must be like the image below.
  • There will be a quiz over the terms.
  • You must show me your score in class. If you are gone you must come in on your own time to complete the test in class.

Oct 28

Complete MarketWatch Eval

Written Test Mutual Funds

  • Objective: Understand different types of mutual funds.
  • Use your notes

Oct 25

Nevada Day

Oct 24

DUE: Chapter 16: Investing for the Future Workbook Pages 157-158

Market Watch Evaluation

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, investments, and financial markets
  • Go to Google classroom and complete the evaluation.

Oct 23

Mutual Fund Quiz

Chapter 16: Investing for the Future Workbook Pages 157-158

  • Objective: Distinguish investment and savings options
  • Use ONLY the Chapter 16 notes in Google Classroom

Oct 22

DUE: Buy a fund

Oct 21

Buy a fund

Oct 16-17

Mutual Fund Research in Google Classroom.

Oct 15-16

Notes on mutual funds

  • Objective: Understand different types of mutual funds.
  • Video 1
  • Video 2

Oct 14

Quizlet: Chapter 16: Investing for the Future

  • Objective: List and define investment options
  • Join Quizlet class if you have not
  • You must complete the Learn section before taking the test. All terms must be mastered.
  • Take the test without other tabs or answers open.
  • Your test settings must be like the image below.
  • Send me an email with a screenshot of your tests score. It should look like the image below. Include your Quizlet username in the message. Use the subject, Quizlet 16.


Oct 10-11

Video: What the Heck ... Mutual Fund?

  • Objective: Understand different types of mutual funds.
  • Complete the form in Google Classroom

Math worksheet pages 55

  • Objective: Divide fractions and mixed numbers

COMPLETE Final your investments Check

Oct 9

No school: Staff PD day

Oct 8

COMPLETE Final your investments Check

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Do at least some research.
  • Invest all of your remaining money.
  • You need to diversify (spread your money around) and DON'T PUT ALL OF IT IN ONE COMPANY.
  • Spend about $5000-10,000 for each company you buy.
  • This means you should have approximately 10-20 companies in your portfolio.
  • Upload a screenshot of your portfolio in the form in Google Classroom.
  • You can do this by
    • You can use the Snipping Tool and save the image to the desktop.
    • Click the "prt scr" key which copies the computer's display. You must then save the image using Photoshop. Create a new file in Photoshop. Paste your image into it. Save it to the desktop as a jpg. Upload the file to the form.
    • Or you can take a picture with your phone save it send it to yourself and then use Add file in the form.
    • Chrome OS To take a screenshot on a Chromebook:
    Market Watch Portfolio

Oct 4

Quiz: How financial Markets Work

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Complete in Google Classroom
  • Use your notes

Article: Securities Fraud: Use form in Google Classroom

  • Find an example of securities (investment) fraud or insider trading from a recent news article and complete the form in Classroom.
    • Do not use Bernie Madoff, Martha Stewart or Michael Milken.
    • The article must be from some time in the last two years.

Oct 3

Quiz: Chapter 19 Terms

Complete unfinished work

Oct 2

DUE Quizlet: Chapter 19

Invest in another company: Health Services

Oct 1

Quizlet: Chapter 19 Investing in Mutual Funds, Real Estate and Other Choices

  • Objective: List and define basic risk management terminology.
  • DO NOT send a request to join the class.
  • Join Quizlet class
  • If you finish in less than 30 minutes you're settings are not correct and you will have to redo the learn.
  • There will be a quiz over the terms.
  • You must complete the Learn, the Flashcards, the Matching and the Test. If you do not complete all sections then the test score will not count.
  • In the Learn area, click Options on the top right. Your options must be set this way for your score to count. Answer with term only.
  • You must complete the Learn section before taking the test. You must see the picture below.
    Quizlet Learn
  • For the test, change the test options to match the image below.
  • DO NOT change the test settings
  • Show me for a grade.

Sep 30

Complete Notes Worksheet

  • Objective: Increase understanding of financial markets
  • Complete questions on the front.
  • Show me when done.

Unit 2 Handout in Google Classroom

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial market.

Sep 25-27

Notes: Unit 2 How financial Markets Work

  • Objective: Increase understanding of financial markets
  • Take notes on back of the worksheet.
  • Complete questions on the front.
  • Show me when done.
  • Notes Video 1
  • Notes Video 2

Sep 24

Article: Investing Advice

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • 3 things you should never do when the stock market tanks
  • Complete in Google Classroom

Sep 23

US Expenditures Chart in Google Classroom


  • Buy one more company in Market Watch.
  • It must be a financial related company such as a bank, insurance, broker, investment house.
  • Invest $5000-10,000
  • Show me your portfolio for credit.
  • You need to be holding at least four companies.

Sep 20

Quiz: Financial Planning

  • Objective: Understand how decisions affect financial planning
  • Use Notes
  • Complete in Google Classroom

Sep 18-19

Complete Budget and Charts

  • Objective: Develop a household budget
  • Together we will insert a chart that tracks your ending balances for each month.
  • Add another chart which plots the Actual Expenses for one of the months.
    • Add appropriate labels, you must have labels for the expenses, titles and formatting to change the chart from default settings

Sep 14


  • Objective: Develop a household budget
  • Go over average expenditures, take notes to develop personal budget. Scroll down for video of notes
  • 2022 Average Household Expenses
  • 2019 Average Household Expenses
  • 2018 Average Household Expenses
  • 2016 Average Household Expenses
  • Reference Article: 09-13-20 Average Household Budget
  • Average Car Insurance Rates by Age and Gender
  • In Google Classroom open the budget file and begin creating your budget.
  • Only complete three months.
  • Input the budgeted items using the numbers we came up with in class.
  • You must use the income categories from your notes and/or the example budget below.
  • For the expense categories, follow the example. But if we covered an expense in class, it must be included.
    • Gas and oil, auto maintenance, renters insurance, subscriptions, medicine, savings, personal care, pets
  • Vary the actual numbers from the budget amounts.
  • For school related costs, go to the site of the college you think you will attend.
  • The beginning balance is what you think you will have in the bank when you graduate from high school.
  • The ending balance for one month is the beginning balance for the following month. This will be a formula.
  • The whole budget is linked together using formulas. So if your income is changed in September, it changes the ending balance for November.
  • Once you input all of the formulas for the first month you can then copy and paste them and the budget amounts to the next two months.
  • Vary the numbers for each month. This means your budget and actual amounts for food should not be the same for each month.
  • When all of the formulas are input, format the text and cells to change the appearance; make it look good.
  • Insert a chart that tracks your ending balances for each month.
    • The chart must have appropriate titles, labels, and formatting.

example budget

Sep 10-12 (From Sep 6)

Notes: Unit 1 Financial Decisions

Sep 9

Video: What is a Stock Market Index by Wall Street Survivor

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Complete in Google Classroom

Math Worksheet 50

  • Objective: Subtracting fractions
  • Must be done in class without your phone.

Sep 6

Notes: Unit 1 Financial Decisions

Sep 5

Complete previously assigned work

Sep 4

Complete previously assigned work

Find a possible career

  • Objective: Preparing to apply for a job (e.g., complete personal aptitude and interest inventories, performing a job search, developing a résumé, preparing for an interview).
  • Go to
  • Video Explanation
  • If the site above is not working use this one,
  • Others (NOT REQUIRED) and
  • Complete the questionnaire. Use as much detail as possible.
  • Select one of the career fields you are interested in.
  • Your results should look something like the image below.
  • Use the Print Screen key to make a copy of your computer screen. It is usually located by the F12 key.
  • Open a new email and paste (CTRL+V) the screen print into the email.
  • Send an email to yourself with the information you have copied.
  • CC me on the email.
  • The subject should be, Career Aptitude Test Results.
  • Answer the following, does this match with something you would want to do? Why? Why not?

Sep 3

DUE: Make second purchase in Market Watch

  • See directions below

Video: How the Stock Market Works

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Complete in Google Classroom

Invest in another company

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Video explanation
  • Find a certain sector of the economy and invest in a the company.
  • Go to click on Dow and then sectors.
  • Select one of the industries to find companies that are in it.
  • Choose one of the companies to invest in.
  • Spend between $5000-$10,000.
  • Copy and paste the following into your email. Answer each following the colon.
    • Sector/Industry Definition:
    • Company:
    • Sector/Industry:
    • Reason:
  • Send the email to
  • Use the subject "Sector".
  • For the reason, you must specifically mention one item from the stock quote as a reason for making the purchase and why it makes it a good investment. Check grammar and spelling.

Aug 29

DUE: Article: CVS, Walmart and Walgreens ordered to pay $650.6 million to Ohio counties in opioid case

Make second purchase in Market Watch

Aug 28

Math Worksheet Page 34

  • Objective: Divide Decimals by Decimals

Article: CVS, Walmart and Walgreens ordered to pay $650.6 million to Ohio counties in opioid case

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of the economy, banking, investments, and financial markets
  • See directions in Google classroom

Aug 27

Quiz: Stock Quotes

Make first purchase in Market Watch

Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets

Aug 26

DUE: Stock Quotes Research

Assignment: What is Stock Video

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of banking, the economy, investments, and financial markets
  • Complete in Google Classroom
  • To turn on captioning. In Chrome click the 3 dots in the upper right, click settings, click Accessibility on the left, turn on Live Captioning.

Aug 23

Stock Quotes Research

  • Objective: Increase understanding of the concepts of the economy, banking, investments, and financial markets
  • Researching companies by industry, sector or trending stock.
  • Look up the quotes for five companies and record the information in the sheet in Google Classroom.
  • Video Explanation


  • Take the pretest in Google Classroom.
  • Must be done at school.
  • Do not look up answers.

Aug 22

IN CLASS: Go over stock quotes

Aug 21

IN CLASS: Go over stock quotes

Aug 20

Complete registration for all required sites

Assignment: Market Levels

Aug 19

Course requirements/expectations

Student Syllabus Verification

Join Google Classroom

Register for Market Watch

Join Quizlet